“All you need is a pinch of Grace,”I whisper, sprinkling it on the pie. “And a dash of Hope,”she follows, tossing more on top. “To make life sweeter.”I turn and press a kiss to her cheek. “And help love grow,”she whispers, kissin’my cheek back, her tears mixin’with my own.OH.MY.GOD.THIS.BOOK!!!It's beautifully written. Gahhh!!!The feels!!!Those overflowing emotions that just kept going.K.C Lynn is just so perfect writing this novella that will surely touch your heart and soul. Mind you it's a novella!!!Like what the eff right???It exceeded my expectations!!!This is just so effing wonderful that it took my breath away..made me a sobbing mess and leave me with a puffy eye and a red nose but definitely make me fall in love over again.
I'm a BIG FAN of the author and to think that I've been reading a whole bunch of her works I thought I know where this novella would lead me. I thought I know what to expect. BUT I WAS SO WRONG!!!Nothing prepared me for what she's in store for us.
As always...our love Sexy Sawyer is the same as himself as we've known him in Sweet Temptation...the funny...the amusing with an ego that's hilarious and a filthy mouth that'll make you so damn wet...the protective...the loving and of course can we ever forget his holy smoking alpha sexiness. Now, he's the loving father of their twins and in this story we will see a different side of him as a family man.
And Grace...now she's still our sassy southern baker who loves his sexy Sawyer and with a big heart heroine..and now a loving mother to this twins that will definitely hold a place in your heart as mush as their parents. They were such so adorable that you will love them that exact moment you'll meet them. Their family banters were so amusing I fell deeply to the love they shown for each other.Their ties were just so great that it ripped my heart into two when a slice of the past came into their doorstep with a life altering plea that both tested their fate.....
Oh no...I'm not gonna tell you much because I know that no matter how vivid I will give you the descriptions and the details I will surely not deliver it the way it deserves. But to be honest, I was shattered and broken when as I go on with my reading. Unknowingly, tears were streaming down my face then I turned up sobbing and bawling like a baby. K.C Lynn manages to deliver this great novella that made rollercoaster of emotions an understatement. I do not know how it happen but boy, she definitely knows how to make a way with emotions. Good thing all her books has HEA or I don't know If I can't take it because damn!!!Every emotion is just too much that when you say the sex scenes were hot..it's definitely so damn hot..when you say your heart aches, it aches..and when you say you're in love..you're definitely in love.
If I love Sawyer and Grace from Sweet Temptation, now in SWEET LOVE, my love for them exceeded! Great job for K.C Lynn! Another WORTH THE READ BOOK!!! Puffy eyes and red nose be damned!
A Slice of Hope With a Sprinkle of Grace. The Dream Will Live on Forever.

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