Kind of.
I realize the wig and makeup don’t help my case, but that’s not the point.
The point is, Sebastian came at me first.
He’s the one who started this war, but I’m the one who finished it.
I’m not even sorry about it.
Fine. Maybe I am. A little.
That’s the only explanation as to why I just agreed to play his fake girlfriend so he—we—can win a million dollars in the hottest reality show contest ever filmed on campus.
Don’t get it wrong though, Sebastian and I may look like we love each other, but everyone knows reality TV is nothing but scripted lies and staged kisses.
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After eight long years, she released her debut novel, Commander. It was a long road, but she can honestly say, the road less traveled had the most beautiful sights.
The only thing Kristy Marie loves as much as reading and writing is sports! Especially those that require muscles and a nice ass. Her favorite is, and always will be, baseball. She's such a fan, that she even married her small town's high school's centerfielder where they still live with their three badass kids.
Cover Design: Najla Qamber
Model: Jon Herrmann
Release Date: September 17, 2020

Bull was a action packed, intense, sexy and heartfelt romance that you had no choice but to fall in love with. Some of these characters went through hell in their time and did things their own way but what I really admired and we saw the core of, was the meaning of family. This love ran so deep and you not only saw it, you FELT it.
Being the president of one of the most notorious MC’S and running your crew like a well oiled machine isn’t easy but when you have a band of friends that are practically your brothers, it’s certainly easier. Still reeling from a tragedy that happened to him more than a decade ago, Bull is determined to continue to put his club first and make sure that the rest of his family is happy and safe. His personal life on the other hand can continue the way it’s been going with meaningless flings and not crossing into a territory that requires him giving more of himself. That part of his life is over and he has no intention to go back to a place that has the power to hurt him. But one chance encounter with the new woman in town is going to change everything for the man who’s intent on keeping his heart locked in a steel cage.

Taylor has had her fair share of tragedy in her life and she wants nothing more than to stop looking over shoulder and start a new life with her little brother. Now in a new town and endless possibilities, Taylor is determined to make her new life a success. Running into the president of a MC and having sparks fly when you’re trying to navigate that same new life? Things are about to get really interesting in this small town.

Without having read the previous books in this series about the other characters, I didn’t even miss a beat when I jumped on this one. I felt like I knew everyone and seeing that this was such a close knit group, I’m happy that the author was able to portray this in a way that you felt the love and understood the bond. These characters had their own flaws don’t get wrong and I wanted to see some things go in a different direction but for an overall good enjoyable MC romance? This is going down as one of my favorites of the year. If you’re new to this author, I strongly suggest you give her a chance and try this one.

LEO by Jay McLean is live!! Don’t miss the third book in the New Adult/Coming of Age Series, The Preston Brothers!!
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One-click Lucas (Book 1):
One-click Logan (Book 2):
One single summer changed them forever, and one moment of devastating silence destroyed it all.
Growing up with six siblings, Leo Preston has always struggled to find his voice.
While his brothers are loud, greedy, and somewhat obnoxious, Leo is forever the quiet one.
The thinker.
The listener.
He watches his life pass by as an outsider in his own world, absent and alone.
Until he finds her.
For Leo, Mia Kovács is like a prize, a gift wrapped in passion and devotion.
And she’s his—his very own secret he doesn’t have to share.
Together, they can overcome anything…
heartache and destruction, guilt and regret.
Mia gives Leo everything he didn’t know he needed,
including her fragile heart.
The only thing she doesn’t give him...
are secrets of her own.

𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤- (The Ravenhood #1)-
𝐄𝐱𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐬- (The Ravenhood Book #2)-
𝐄𝐱𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐬- (The Ravenhood Book #2)-
𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞
Can you keep a secret?
I grew up sick.
Let me clarify.
I grew up believing that real love stories include a martyr or demand great sacrifice to be worthy.
Because of that, I believed it, because I made myself believe it, and I bred the most masochistic of romantic hearts, which resulted in my illness.
When I lived this story, my own twisted fairy tale, it was unbeknownst to me at the time because I was young and naïve. I gave into temptation and fed the beating beast, which grew thirstier with every slash, every strike, every blow.
Triple Falls wasn’t at all what it seemed, nor were the men that swept me under their wing. But in order to keep them, I had to be in on their secrets.
Secrets that cost us everything to keep.
That’s the novelty of fiction versus reality. You can’t re-live your own love story, because by the time you’ve realized you’re living it, it’s over. At least that was the case for me and the men I trusted my foolish heart to.
Looking back, I’m convinced I willed my story into existence due to my illness.
And all were punished.

After anticipating this book like you wouldn’t believe and finally finishing it, I have no freakin clue what just happened. I have no clue what I just read, and I have no motherfucking clue what’s going to happen next!! I felt like I went down a rabbit hole and no one and I mean absolutely NO ONE gave me a heads up!
I have always been a huge fan of this author and when I saw that she was coming out with a mysterious duet, I was on this faster than a dollar bill on the stripper pole stage!! I had this idea of what the story was going to about and I was so ready for it because I KNEW that once everything was laid out, it was going to be all consuming with some dark crazy twists and I was ready. Boy was I wrong and I was not expecting this!!

Eighteen year old Cecelia has never had it easy in life. On a mission to have something better for her future, Cecelia has now moved to a new town to live with her estranged father for a year while working at his company. Upon her arrival, she soon meets someone who is going to change the way she looks at everything in life with more passion and endless possibilities.
I was expecting this story to go one way and in turn I got something completely different. These characters were complex, mysterious, lawless in their own right, and I liked that they never pretended to be any different. I know that this review is extremely vague in a sense but for a story like this, there is no other way.

With that being said, I have a lot of theories that are going through my head right now and they are not ok!!! I feel like I need to be sedated in order to have rational thoughts come back to me. who??? How?? where do we go from here???and lets not forget the big one: what the@$#* is going to happen now??! Flock will keep you guessing up until the very end and even after that, you’ll still wonder.

𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤- (The Ravenhood #1)-
𝐄𝐱𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐬- (The Ravenhood Book #2)-

For the first time in a very long time, I have no clue how to express my feelings on a book. I have no words in a sense, no clear thoughts, and I’m quite frankly emotionally drained. This duet came out of nowhere with it’s lawlessness, thought provoking, sensual inducing and wickedly addictive storyline that shook up our entire train of thoughts. If you thought that you survived the first book without any scars and you were going to go into this final one unscathed, think again.
After reading those final words at the end of Flock, I was left with more questions than what I knew to do with and I needed answers as of yesterday. Exodus wasted no time in giving us the big the moment we were all waiting for and then some with a curveball I sure as heck didn’t see coming. I was under the impression at first that this author was seriously going to display some masochistic tendencies because there is no way, NO FREAKIN WAY, we were going to be dealing with something that was going to potentially shred our hearts. Listen to me very carefully: I was wrong and it did happen.

The entire time I spent reading this book, I had a high case of anxiety. I was nervous with every turn of the page and when I reached the 30% mark, I was damn near ready to drink!! My emotions were all over the place, my sanity was right, and I spent the rest of the time trying to figure out exactly how this story was going to go with my heart intact. I haven’t read a book so angst filled and emotional in a very long time and it not only took me by surprise, it made the reading experience that much more enjoyable.
If I had to say two words about this book right now in this very moment, it would be to “GET READY”. Your heart will no longer be your own because you wouldve already given it away in the early chapters without ever realizing it. It sneaks up on you and that power that you thought you had which controlled your emotions, it will be eradicated.
There were a few things that I was not a fan and quite honestly, I felt like it was overlooked in a sense but this author sucked me into this story like you wouldn’t believe!! I read it slowly, I read it fast, I took a time out because I was honestly going to drink, and one thing became consistent. I came back for more. I needed it. I craved it. I devoured it and even though it gave me a few scars on my heart, I would do it all over again. This is a duet that is surely going to stay with me for a very long time.
Kate is a lover of all things '80s and '90s, especially John Hughes films and rap. She dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity, and on occasion, does very well at whiskey.
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