A single girl.
One big city.
A search for love.

What a beautiful, inspiring and entertaining story of a woman in her journey of self discovery and then fighting to get what every New York girl wants...
...a career
...an apartment
...and true love in a smoking hot package.
You make me so hard
I’ve wanted this for so long
You feel incredible
I can’t … I can’t hold off.
Oh my God, Chloe. Chloe. I’m coming…
I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! So sweet..funny...hilarious...sexy as hell...engrossing and definitely one of a kind. The writing style was awesome that I devoured it to every bits of pieces. I could not put it down the moment I received this to my kindle and I even re read it because seriously I really just can't get enough. I definitely had my ahhhhs and ohhhhs moment and all the feels...wow..wow..and just wow!
"Duh. I attempted a polite smile and looked back at the pup. This was a large part of my job? To dog sit? Everything turned more appealing, diapers and runny noses no longer part of the equation."
In true Alessandra Torre's fashion, she makes a unique story that will surely captivates your heart. The storyline is perfect as well as the portrayal of the characters. The way it was written was incredible and flawless. It was really a helluva fun reading this and you just don't get to laugh...feel the moment and all...but you'll surely learn from it. It's more than just the fun...the drama...the twists and turns that will definitely make your jaw drop...the sexy scenes that will surely make you wet...the hilarious moments...but more...and I mean more!

"I can’t live without this woman. She is my best friend. She is the second half of my heart. She is the blood that pumps through my veins. She is my everything. She is my future. She is my Chloe. She is my Love."
Surely, you'll gonna love this!
Kudos to Alessandra Torre! This book is just so perfect. Highly Recommended.

You can learn more about Alessandra on her website at www.alessandratorre.com, or you can find her on Twitter (@ReadAlessandra) or Facebook.

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