Julia and Colin no longer think of themselves as step-siblings. As much allies as lovers, they have more immediate issues. Like how to seek out and destroy the Russian Mafia-connected group that hounded her father to death, and what to do about the workplace harassment of Julia by a man with a secret, violent past? But the most dangerous issue of all might be what happens when Julia’s mother discovers her daughter and step-son have acted on their mutual attraction...
Ahhh this book really got me frustrated in the end!!! Like what the hell am I supposed to do when the story got even more interesting and then tada! ---- end of the book already????Like I have to wait for the next one??Urghhh!!!
You know, this book really surprised me. I must admit, I'm loving this compared to the first one in the series. I like the pace of this story no matter how fast it is, still I get to enjoy every moment. I mean, this is really more than just step siblings story and I'm glad it doesn't just focus on the romance but the thrill behind the romance.
So, this book started where Recoil Part One left off. The straightforwardness of the book makes it even more enjoyable to read that yes I haven't prepared myself to brace because well "it's the end" and I have to wait for the next part. Instead I keep on turning the pages of my reader stupidly and realized too late that I just hit 100% mark. Ahhh... so frustrating because I'm so loving it and I want more of the story. You know the author manages to deliver a quick short read that you will enjoy every moment without so much drama.The romance between the lead was not overly delivered even their sex scenes. In fact there were scenes that got me even laughing because of the absurdness of one of the characters. And take note, I was not prepared to that painful scene that every woman wouldn't want to experience. Again...I never expected it.
If you want to read a short quick read, this book is definitely it. Kudos to Jessa Jacobs!
Looking forward to the final book!
Like you, I’m a reader. When I read a good story with characters I can connect with, my everyday existence fades into the background as I enter a world that may contain exotic locations, adventure and excitement. And, if I can be totally honest with you, in my favorite stories I can fall in love for a while with an impossibly gorgeous guy who is the best lover imaginable.
So, maybe it won’t come as a surprise that in my books you’ll find hot alpha male book-boyfriends, sassy heroines who are much more clever and beautiful than I am, and stories I hope will make you laugh and cry while reading them, as I did while writing them. Oh, and some scenes you may want to role-play with your lover.
When I’m not writing (which is almost never) I enjoy reading, hiking in the foothills near Denver, live blues music, karaoke and now and then indulging in her karaoke habit.
If you'd like to know more about me, my books, or special offers for free reading, please check my website at www.jessajacobs.com.

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