The Ground Rules were impossible to follow. It was hard not to become completely consumed by the beautiful and enigmatic Weston Hanson. The heart of a romantic was not fit for this kind of exchange. So, when it ended, I was shattered, but it was all for the better…or so we thought.
The Ground Rules were rewritten, and then bent. We lied to ourselves. We told ourselves we could handle this. Not a single one of us realized just how big this was...just how devastating it could become.
And now, there are no Rules.
Lust… infatuation…blinds you. It can tear everything apart. But sometimes, life needs to be completely torn apart before it can be mended – not just cracked at the edges, but utterly shattered, before you can truly see the mess you’ve become.
I love them both, but I can’t have them both. While one pulls me in, the other pushes me away. And when both eventually open their hearts, I must make the hardest decision of my life.
And now there are no Rules. We are Undone.
" And I thought our marriage was strong enough to survive anything", he adds, not quite looking at me, "I took it for granted. I was foolish".
The Ground Rules were rewritten, and then bent. We lied to ourselves. We told ourselves we could handle this. Not a single one of us realized just how big this was...just how devastating it could become.
And now, there are no Rules.
Lust… infatuation…blinds you. It can tear everything apart. But sometimes, life needs to be completely torn apart before it can be mended – not just cracked at the edges, but utterly shattered, before you can truly see the mess you’ve become.
I love them both, but I can’t have them both. While one pulls me in, the other pushes me away. And when both eventually open their hearts, I must make the hardest decision of my life.
And now there are no Rules. We are Undone.
★★★3.5 Stars★★★
"We lied to ourselves. We told ourselves we could handle this. Not a single one of us realized just how big this was...

Wow this book frustrated the hell out of me but I just couldn't stop reading. These characters were so beautifully messed up and my heart ached for a certain person.
This story picks up right after book two where we were left with a shocking cliffhanger. Mirella is trying to to come to terms with the revelation and have a little bit more time as a family before she turns everyone's world upside down. The life that she worked so hard to create and protect is coming down to borrowed time. How can she tell the her husband Gabe that life as they know it will never be the same again. Their journey through life,their love,a beautiful family, will come to a screeching halt all because she made a mistake.
Who will she choose?
Can love really conquer all?
One of the seven deadly sins. That's what this all comes down to".
Everyone that was a part of the previous books have their own voice in this story despite it being told from Mirella's pov. Gabe was the still the loving husband with just a hint of the bad boy in him and my heart truly ached for him. He was in such a bad compromise position that I wanted to physically remove him from this messed up eqation.
I loved Weston in the previous books and my mind was already set on who I think Mirella should choose but everything that I thought I wanted,ended up being the opposite. I was torn between these two men who loved her so much,they would do anything for her.But Weston lost that aura about him that made me fell in love with him before. I still felt something for him but he seemed different and way more fragile and needy and I HATED that for him.
Mirella is one of the first female characters that I've loathed in a long time. I didn't like her actions,her decsions and her constant back and forth. She made certain situations extremely hard to get through and I only felt sympathy for her one time while reading this.
As for the ending, I call B.S. I know some people will be okay with it but I wasn't. It didn't seem realistic in my eyes and I hated that it happened that way. Now I know it seems like I didn't like this story at all but aside from those issues,this is such a different and unique story. I loved that about this series.I truly think that if you're looking for something beyond your comfort zone,you should give this a try.
"We lied to ourselves. We told ourselves we could handle this. Not a single one of us realized just how big this was...

Wow this book frustrated the hell out of me but I just couldn't stop reading. These characters were so beautifully messed up and my heart ached for a certain person.
This story picks up right after book two where we were left with a shocking cliffhanger. Mirella is trying to to come to terms with the revelation and have a little bit more time as a family before she turns everyone's world upside down. The life that she worked so hard to create and protect is coming down to borrowed time. How can she tell the her husband Gabe that life as they know it will never be the same again. Their journey through life,their love,a beautiful family, will come to a screeching halt all because she made a mistake.
Who will she choose?
Can love really conquer all?
One of the seven deadly sins. That's what this all comes down to".
Everyone that was a part of the previous books have their own voice in this story despite it being told from Mirella's pov. Gabe was the still the loving husband with just a hint of the bad boy in him and my heart truly ached for him. He was in such a bad compromise position that I wanted to physically remove him from this messed up eqation.
I loved Weston in the previous books and my mind was already set on who I think Mirella should choose but everything that I thought I wanted,ended up being the opposite. I was torn between these two men who loved her so much,they would do anything for her.But Weston lost that aura about him that made me fell in love with him before. I still felt something for him but he seemed different and way more fragile and needy and I HATED that for him.
Mirella is one of the first female characters that I've loathed in a long time. I didn't like her actions,her decsions and her constant back and forth. She made certain situations extremely hard to get through and I only felt sympathy for her one time while reading this.
As for the ending, I call B.S. I know some people will be okay with it but I wasn't. It didn't seem realistic in my eyes and I hated that it happened that way. Now I know it seems like I didn't like this story at all but aside from those issues,this is such a different and unique story. I loved that about this series.I truly think that if you're looking for something beyond your comfort zone,you should give this a try.
And now, there are no Rules.
Lust… infatuation…blinds you. It can tear everything apart. But sometimes, life needs to be completely torn apart before it can be mended – not just cracked at the edges, but utterly shattered, before you can truly see the mess you’ve become.
I love them both, but I can’t have them both. While one pulls me in, the other pushes me away. And when both eventually open their hearts, I must make the hardest decision of my life.
And now there are no Rules. We are Undone.
I love them both, but I can’t have them both. While one pulls me in, the other pushes me away. And when both eventually open their hearts, I must make the hardest decision of my life.
And now there are no Rules. We are Undone.
This BOOK!!!What the hell??? Seriously???I so hate you but I love you Ms. Roya Carmen for this final installment of the series!!! You just awaken an emotion I never thought I have.
I was so emotionally invested that it took me several days after reading this book to finally write a review. See??? I just kept re reading it slowly...word per word were devoured with too much emotions because seriously this book really got the feels and I could really not form any coherent words after I was done reading it. I do not know how to give justice to this book much more rate it. If the last two books got me a super hot steamy sex scenes..romantic angst and all.. this final book just gave me a different roller coaster of emotional ride .And the angst of this final book seems so different...it feels like I can't take it. It pushes me to my limits. I haven't even realized I was crying while reading the book and even thought "Am I thrown to an Arsen feel this time?" But hell no it was different. Too much was at stake and that's what made it so damn hard. I could not even fathom how it's even possible to love two different person. Is there even a difference between a soulmate now and true love? Hell I even wanted to slap Mirella so she could finally made some sense but I feel her..Like totally feel her, It feels wrong but it feels right. Ahhh..Am I even making sense? This is totally unconventional..too wrong...forbidden...but hell If I don't love it because seriously I did!!!
When all hell break loose I was so damn hurt that my heart was wrenched..I was wounded and was even sobbing so hard that I don't understand why. The scenes was just too much to take. I feel like it was me in the story and it was my life that was shattered and broken. I feel like it was me and my husband in the book..in that same situation and that's what made me even sob more. And then when everything seems to be okay or so it seems and I was thrown right there and then to that TWIST!!! Like hell no!!! Totally Unexpected!!!
Overall this book is beautifully and uniquely written. I love it despite the unconventional situation. After reading this book I could not even say I am a Team Weston or Team Gabe because seriously I never thought they will live with their HEA. And that HARDEST DECISION Mirella has to make???That's for you to find out. ;)
What I would never forget about this book except that this book is really unforgettable are these lines I even shared to my husband despite him being so against plots like this.
" And I thought our marriage was strong enough to survive anything", he adds, not quite looking at me, "I took it for granted. I was foolish".
The morale of the story that will forever etched with me more than the steamy sex scenes..more than the lust..more than the excitement...more than the angst...
Roya Carmen
in Canada
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Member Since
June 2014
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