A knight in tarnished armor is still a knight.
When you’re a defense attorney in Washington, DC, you see firsthand how hard life can be, and that sometimes the only way to survive is to be harder. I, Jake Becker, have a reputation for being cold, callous, and intimidating—and that suits me just fine. In fact, it’s necessary when I’m breaking down a witness on the stand.
Complications don’t work for me—I’m a “need-to-know” type of man. If you’re my client, tell me the basic facts. If you’re my date, stick to what will turn you on. I’m not a therapist or Prince Charming—and I don’t pretend to be.
Then Chelsea McQuaid and her six orphaned nieces and nephews came along and complicated the ever-loving hell out of my life. Now I'm going to Mommy & Me classes, One Direction concerts, the emergency room, and arguing cases in the principal's office.
Chelsea’s too sweet, too innocent, and too gorgeous for her own good. She tries to be tough, but she’s not. She needs someone to help her, defend her…and the kids.And that — that, I know how to do.
★★★★4.5 Laugh out Loud Stars★★★★
Wow.I haven't felt this good about reading a book in a long time and I have seriously underestimated this author so therefore she's officially on my author's stalkers list.I LOVED this story so much that I had to force myself to read slowly and that's not easy for me to do.These crazy lovable characters are going to stay with me for a very long time.
Jake Becker is a hotshot defense attorney.He loves what he does and he worked hard to get there.Another thing that he loves? Women.Lots and lots of women.After a frightening health scare,he decides that instead of screwing around all the time, he's going to take it slowly and get to know them or at least attempt to.With his plan intact, what could possibly go wrong? A very curious ten year old that decides to make a run with his wallet that's what.That's when he's introduced to Chelsea and her party of six.
"I don't do complicated, I avoid distractions,and up until this point,that strategy has served me well".
Chelsea McQuaid went from being a twenty six year old art student with no responsabilities to becoming the legal guardian of her six nieces and nephews all ranging from six months to fourteen years old(yikes).This was not an easy task but she's trying her best to cope with the situation and gives these kids the stability that they deserve.After meeting Jake,thanks to her nephew they form a new friendship.One that includes helping her out with the kids, being their part time babysitter and guidance counselor.
I loved Jake and Chelsea's relationship I think it progressed really well and even though the story was told in his pov, I felt Chelsea's emotions,desires and her frustrations at times.Their sexy times were HOT and their sudden interruptions were hilariously entertaining.
"Do you want me?"
"All the time.I can't remember not wanting you".
Now let's talk about these blood pressure raising kids.My god there was a lot of them and at one point I said to myself:they have got to get name tags for these damn kids!! I loved all of them and what was really special was that they all had a voice.All of them were unique and sassy and just plain old funny.Please don't make me list their name right now because that's going to take a while.Jake was absolutely perfect with these kids from arguing cases in the principal's office to mommy and me classes and changing diapers.He took everything in stride a formed a bond with each kid.It was refreshing and downright brilliant to have the kids be such a strong force in this story and because of that,it made it better and more relatable.
If funny romances are your thing mixed in with a sexy as hell cocky male, then I highly recommend that you read this book.
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