This is the End, Baby
War & Peace #7
by K. Webster
Publication Date: May 23, 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Dark Romance
***This is the seventh and final book in the series. First six books must be read in order to fully understand this story line. THIS STORY IS A NOVELLA AND SHORTER THAN THE REST.***
They say the king is the most powerful piece on the board.
However, they haven’t met me.
This queen knows all the rules. She plays the game better than him.
In my game, the queen can knock the king right off the board.
Game over.
The END.
But, I love him.
The darkness threatens to make me lose sight of my strategy from time to time, but in the END, love always prevails.
Problem is, my black king is playing by a different set of rules. His END game is one he shields from me. It’s a game he plays closely with the white king, the most brilliant player of all. Together, they want to END my game.
They want to END me.
This queen doesn’t go down without a fight.
This queen makes her own rules.
This queen will outsmart those who play against her.
This is the END, baby.
In the END, I am going to win it all.
This is the End, Baby is a dark romance. Extreme sexual themes and violence, which could trigger emotional distress, are found in this story. If you are sensitive to dark themes, then this story is not for you.

I can’t believe it’s really over! K. Webster took us on a
hell of a ride in this series, and I’m not ready to get off! This series is
responsible for beginning my obsession with this author’s work and dark romance
in general. I remember reading This is War, Baby and feeling like I had struck
gold! The story was dark and twisted, but also beautiful. I think it’s fitting
that I feel the same way about the last installment of the series.
I don’t want to give away any of the plot of this novella,
so I’m going to have to make this short and sweet. This story like all of its
predecessors is dark, twisted, fast paced, violent, and hot! I was around 20
percent in when I started squirming in my seat. The dirtiest shit was going
down, and I was loving it! In fact, pretty much all of the sex scenes are
scorching, or maybe I’m just a sick bitch? Probably both!! Anyway, the violence
was delicious, the suspense will have you biting your nails, and the heartfelt
moments might even make you tear up a little. This book had it all for me. It’s
a shame it was so short, but all in all, I think it was a fitting ending for
the series.
The War & Peace
series is my favorite dark romance series to date, and I can’t imagine what
will top it for me. I have grown to love
these deranged individuals as much as they have grown to love one another. They
are a messed up bunch, but I wouldn’t change any of them. The complexity of
their characters are what I love most about them. They all have some goodness
in them…even the ones that are the most violent and mentally disturbed. At the
same time, they all have a little bit of darkness. It makes every one of them
relatable in some way, likable, and worthy of love, because we are all dark and
light, good and bad, ugly and beautiful.
I put off reading this until the last minute, because I
really didn’t want to say goodbye. I’m still holding out hope that K. Webster
will take pity on me and create a series revolving around the kids, because I
would love to hear their story. Can you imagine having Hannah as your mom?
Bottom line, I enjoyed this book as much as I thought I
would, and if you haven’t read it yet, you should! If you haven’t read this
series, but you love dark romance, go one-click This is War, Baby right now! You
won’t be sorry. Finishing this review is bittersweet, because it makes it all
feel more final. This is really the end, baby, but I’m glad I came along for
the ride.
About K. Webster

K Webster is the author of dozens romance books in many different genres including contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her husband of twelve years and two adorable children, she’s active on social media connecting with her readers.
Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen.
You can easily find K Webster on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Goodreads!
Website: www.authorkwebster.com
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bllgoP
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