"Commander in Briefs is a novel that accomplishes so much more than a typical romance. The first lines lured me in, the story held me hostage, and the characters stole my heart."
- Jessica, Chatterbooks Book Blog
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Commander in Briefs
Commander in Briefs
by Kristy Marie
Publication Date : December 5, 2017
Cover Designer: Letitia Hasser, RBA
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Fifteen years ago, I saw him Seven years ago, I begged him.
Locked in a twisted game of friends, I gave Theo Von Bremen everything.
We were reckless.
We were dangerous.
We were crazy in love.
Until he came along.
Cade breathed fire into my soul, forever changing my direction
He was my salvation.
I was his redemption.
He became my mission.
I became his Commander.
But where does that leave Theo?
Exactly where I want him.
On his knees.
When you begin a book by a debut author, you never know what to expect. You have no idea what the writing style will be like, if you will love the characters, or if you will be able to connect with the story in a way that touches your heart. I was nervous going into this book for all those reasons, but when I started reading, that anxiety quickly faded. By the time I had finished, I was completely blown away.
Commander in Briefs is unlike any novel I've ever read before. Having read over 300 romance novels in the past two years alone, that is really saying something. I started out reading it thinking I knew what kind of book it was going to be, but I was wrong. It was so much more than I could have ever expected.
Theo and Anniston have been attached at the hip since middle school. They call themselves best friends, but their feelings for one another have always run deeper than that. When Theo has to move away to begin his career in baseball, Anniston decides it's time for her to take action. She wants Theo to take her virginity, and after some hesitation, he agrees. What he does afterwards completely crushes Anniston, and he winds up paying for it dearly.
Years later, they are locked in a twisted game of friends with benefits neither of them can win. Despite his colossal mistake, Theo is still the most important person in Anniston's life. Her whole world revolves around him until she finds Cade, a homeless veteran, half dead in a ditch. Her true purpose becomes clear, and everything changes.
Theo is caught off guard by the shift in Anniston’s priorities, and he begins to panic. When she takes in more hot military men, it completely freaks him out. He decides it’s time to stop playing games and prove to Anniston that she belongs with him once and for all.
“Brace yourself, Anniston, I am about to blow this friendship to hell.”
If you are looking for a nice, sweet romance with perfect characters that always make the right decisions, or a story that can you can fit nicely into a box, this is not the book for you.
Theo is an asshole. I will tell you that right now, but I fell in love with him not only in spite of it, but because of it, too. His antics, jealous meltdowns, and crazy declarations of love had me cracking up and smiling the whole way through the book. I was angry at him for what he did to Ans in the beginning, but I was able to forgive him the same way she was. Underneath his cocky attitude, he is a good guy that loves Ans deeply and would do absolutely anything for her. There is no one more perfect for Anniston than Theo. To say I love his character would be an understatement. In fact, he has become one of my favorite heroes of all time.
Anniston is the kind of heroine I adore, and one you will never forget. She is as strong as they come, sassy, playful, determined, and loyal, but what I love most about her is her incredible heart. Honestly, I think I’m in love with Ans as much as Theo is. I usually find myself more drawn to the hero than the heroine in a story, so when one makes me fall for her the way Anniston did, I'm pleasantly surprised. Anniston is an amazing character. She is who I want to be when I grow up.
There are several other characters that play a big role in this story. The most prominent of which is Cade. I don't know how anyone wouldn't love him. Broken heroes get me everytime, and one as sweet and sexy as Cade is a guaranteed heartbreaker. We get to hear things from his point of view which just makes you want more of him. I can't wait to dig deeper into his character in the next book and to see him get the HEA he truly deserves. As for the other characters, they all burrowed their way into my heart, and I think they will do the same to you. I almost wish Kristy would have made this a reverse harem so Anniston could have them all. Then, I could live vicariously through her! Lol
Commander in Briefs is a novel that accomplishes so much more than a typical romance. The first lines lured me in, the story held me hostage, and the characters stole my heart. If I didn't know this was the author's debut going in, I would have never guessed it. Kristy's writing style is phenomenal, the characters are well developed, the story is unique, and the romance is hot! Not only is this Theo and Anniston's love story, it's also a story about friendship, unconventional family, and love for your fellow man.
One of my favorite books of the year! Congratulations to Kristy on a job well done and a debut novel she should be incredibly proud of!
Asshole heroes are a turn on for me. Add up a strong, feisty heroine who do not take orders from men and rather orders them, who knows what she wants and who definitely raises the girl power flag and I am drenched. Dripping...panties soaked only to realize it melted in no time. Commanders In Briefsis that book for me. The author had no qualms in throwing a hero with asshole painted in the forehead, bold, underlined, all caps you wanted to kick in the shin then french kiss at the same time ass grabbed afterwards and a heroine you wanna slap in the ass cheering for more girl power and "You can do more girl! Don't hold back! Be who you are! I am living vicariously through you!
When I learned about this book months ago, you bet your ass I had my eyebrows raised because Kristy who? Kidding, definitely kidding because for those who knew me knows exactly how I have a soft spot for new authors. And you bet your ass I was raising my hands and feet just to have a chance reading this book. I might have begged the PA and the author to give it to me stat because I am soo excited I could not wait for the release day.And I am ecstatic that I made the right choice reading it and supporting Kristy because she did not disappoint. For a first timer, Kristy made me in awe. For a first timer, this woman rocked my world. The journey I had with Commander In Briefs, evoked a lot of emotions in me. So to Kristy, A BIG FUCK YOU TO YOU! I was a mess at work, a wrong move in my part when I chose to finish it.
The first thought that came to my mind the moment Commander In Briefs landed my kindle was, Jessica (Kristy's PA) never mentioned it being an encyclopedia. I should run because there's no way I can finish it without getting bored. But hooray! How I wish it's longer than this, I needed another volume of an encyclopedia because I want more of this book. It doesn't mean I wasn't satisfied but more like, I don't want this book to end. It was an incredible journey, one I had the pleasure of reading and won't mind rereading until I can get my next Kristy fix.You cannot blame me. Commander In Briefs is nothing I ever expected. The tone, suggests a love triangle and as much I wanna say I am a glutton for punishment I wasn't in the mood to have my heart broken this time. Menage, well? Try me and I am up even for may be a RH. ;) But I am so glad I rooted for this book until the very end, because as I said the book was not I expect it to be. It was EVERYTHING I thought it would be and MORE.
Commander In Briefs is a journey unlike no other. With an asshole hero and a strong heroine, I had a blast. I was drawn into the story, hooked and engrossed the moment I read the first line. Lo and behold, aside from the blurb that caught my interest, it was what fueled me to go on further with my reading. Theo and Anniston aren't your ideal best friends/ friends with benefits hero and heroine. I love their dynamics and I love the thought of them together. The character they portrayed was easy to get into that I had no hard time riding in their journey. Their chemistry was off the charts hot, hence several ruined panties.The author did not hold back with their scenes. She did not even hold back with their characters. Anniston may seem too much but no, she's not. She's the "it" heroine for me. I love her to death and being paired up with Theo, my asshole lover ;) , I was in heaven for all things' goodness and delish treats. If there's such as thing as "asshole coma" I sure was in that state reading this book. I was given with not just the scorching scenes but with laugh out loud moments and all things only asshole Theo can do. But hold up, remember this, asshole Theo is not just fuckable Theo. Hell! He is the sweetest and lovable asshole! Together, they are as explosive as fireworks gracing us in the night sky. I love the love they felt for each other, with their antics, Lordy my journey was one hell a crazy ride!
Now, I mentioned love triangle. Made no mistake as this story is not. In fact it was far beyond a love story involving a man and a woman romantically. If you get to read this book, the journey is quite different but I assure you there was so much love involved. For what it is, I need you to read it. See for yourself what I am gushing about.Anniston was a Commander in her own ways. What she did was honorable enough for her earn a badge of honor. What she did made me love her even more.If there's top list of heroines, she easily earned the number 1 spot. I adored her because beneath her strong nature, lies a perfectly imperfect woman. Through her, I met Cade, the one I thought would break the love and friendship built and cemented over the years between Theo and Anniston. Cade, had my heart and really at first I want him for Ans. He's an enigma to me , but in the end I realized one thing. He is really not meant to be Ans lover but I still love him like any hot blooded woman will do. Aside from Cade, I met more men that made my journey even more interesting. They did it for me. I may have teared up several times and my heart sure did almost burst with so many emotions. Each have brought a different meaning to this journey, each and one the same goal --- family, belongingness and love.
In totality, I highly recommend this book. If you're as crazy as me who loves asshole heroes and strong heroine, then this book is for you. I would love for you to read, savor and devour it. There's no doubt you'll love it as much as I did. Commander In Briefs was addicting and hard to put down. It was easy to get into and the love story, their journey, was one I am glad I rooted until the very end. For a debut, this book is brilliant! Kristy was so clever weaving this tale of family, friendship and love. Her excellent writing and stellar imagination was on point. I love the heart she poured into this gem because you can clearly feel it as it seeped through its pages. And that EPILOGUE!!! Holee-mother-fucking mess it made me, snotty crying like a baby. It was AMAZING and pretty much paved what await's us to the next books Kristy is planning to write.
Great job Kristy! Now, get your ass back to writing! I need Cade in my life!

If there’s one thing I love when I’m reading a story from a new author, it’s the uncertainty. Call me crazy, but I just love that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you open that first page. Your nerves are shot, and your excitement level is barely contained because you KNOW that this right here? Could be the start of something beautiful. That’s the way I felt about Commander In Briefs and even though I didn’t agree with certain things, you can never take away the fact that this was a well done debut novel.
There’s this old time saying “You should never mix business with pleasure” and I think the same can be said for a life long friendship between the opposite sex. Anniston McAlister and Theo Von Breman has seen each other at their worse, shared heartaches, and loved each other unconditionally through it all. But one decision will change their friendship forever and ultimately alter their future.
Now having established their own careers in Sports Medicine and being a successful baseball player, Theo and Anniston are still “Friends with benefits”. It’s been years since that night changed their friendship and because of a moment, Theo lost out on the chance to have something more with the only woman he’s ever loved. But it’s ok because they don’t call him determined for nothing and if it’s one thing he wants, is Anniston and he’s not going out without a fight.
“Brace yourself Anniston, I am about to blow this friendship to hell".
Taking care of people comes naturally to Anniston. When she finds someone in desperate need of her help, she drops everything to help the brooding green eyed stranger and unbeknownst to her, life as knows it, will never be the same again.

Before I go into anything else, I have to say how much I loved the friendship between Anniston and Theo. Every touch, every wicked banter and unspoken moment was felt with a familiarity that could’ve only been between the two of them and I really liked that. These two loved each other so fiercely and without shame that I wanted nothing more than for them to hurry up and get their shit together.
As much I loved their friendship, I did have some issues with it as well. Theo tested my patience on another level and I even thought about him getting lost at sea! I just couldn’t get on board with some of the things that he did and it made me mad. To say the dude was special, was an understatement but thank the Lord he redeemed himself a bit at the end.
As for Aniston herself, I really liked her strength and her determination to help others and doing something for herself that didn’t revolve around Theo. She was making her own Mark, setting her own rules, and figuring out what she wanted and you couldn’t help but admire that about her. Did she get on my nerves a with her over excessive bossiness? She sure did. But I think that was what made her a different and unique female heroine and what didn't work for me when it came to her, others will love it.
If you’re looking for a sexy banter, heartwarming story, then this one is perfect for you.

If there’s one thing I love when I’m reading a story from a new author, it’s the uncertainty. Call me crazy, but I just love that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you open that first page. Your nerves are shot, and your excitement level is barely contained because you KNOW that this right here? Could be the start of something beautiful. That’s the way I felt about Commander In Briefs and even though I didn’t agree with certain things, you can never take away the fact that this was a well done debut novel.
There’s this old time saying “You should never mix business with pleasure” and I think the same can be said for a life long friendship between the opposite sex. Anniston McAlister and Theo Von Breman has seen each other at their worse, shared heartaches, and loved each other unconditionally through it all. But one decision will change their friendship forever and ultimately alter their future.
Now having established their own careers in Sports Medicine and being a successful baseball player, Theo and Anniston are still “Friends with benefits”. It’s been years since that night changed their friendship and because of a moment, Theo lost out on the chance to have something more with the only woman he’s ever loved. But it’s ok because they don’t call him determined for nothing and if it’s one thing he wants, is Anniston and he’s not going out without a fight.
“Brace yourself Anniston, I am about to blow this friendship to hell".
Taking care of people comes naturally to Anniston. When she finds someone in desperate need of her help, she drops everything to help the brooding green eyed stranger and unbeknownst to her, life as knows it, will never be the same again.

Before I go into anything else, I have to say how much I loved the friendship between Anniston and Theo. Every touch, every wicked banter and unspoken moment was felt with a familiarity that could’ve only been between the two of them and I really liked that. These two loved each other so fiercely and without shame that I wanted nothing more than for them to hurry up and get their shit together.
As much I loved their friendship, I did have some issues with it as well. Theo tested my patience on another level and I even thought about him getting lost at sea! I just couldn’t get on board with some of the things that he did and it made me mad. To say the dude was special, was an understatement but thank the Lord he redeemed himself a bit at the end.
As for Aniston herself, I really liked her strength and her determination to help others and doing something for herself that didn’t revolve around Theo. She was making her own Mark, setting her own rules, and figuring out what she wanted and you couldn’t help but admire that about her. Did she get on my nerves a with her over excessive bossiness? She sure did. But I think that was what made her a different and unique female heroine and what didn't work for me when it came to her, others will love it.
If you’re looking for a sexy banter, heartwarming story, then this one is perfect for you.
A self-proclaimed reader enthusiast, I started this journey back in 2009, reading and writing when my daughter was napping. I read everything I could get my hands on, finding my passion among romance authors. Establishing my place in Corporate America (because something had to pay the bills), writing became my dirty, late-night secret as opposed to my career.
After eight long years, I am days away from releasing my debut novel, Commander in Briefs. I hope you enjoy Anniston and Theo’s story. It was a long road with these guys, but I can honestly say, the road less traveled had the most beautiful sights.
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