From New York Times bestselling author Jay Crownover comes CHARGED, the latest in her sexy The Saints of Denver Series, releasing May 24th! Known for her strong heroines and alpha males, you won’t know what hit you as you read Avett and Quaid’s story. Keep reading for more about the Legal Eagle and Avett and order your copy today.
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From the New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men books comes the second installment in the Saints of Denver series featuring a bad girl and a by the book attorney who could be her salvation…or her ruin.
Avett Walker and Quaid Jackson’s worlds have no reason to collide. Ever. Quaid is a high powered criminal attorney as slick as he is handsome. Avett is a pink-haired troublemaker with a bad attitude and a history of picking the wrong men.
When Avett lands in a sea of hot water because of one terrible mistake, the only person who can get her out of it is the insanely sexy lawyer. The last thing on earth she wants to do is rely on the no-nonsense attorney who thinks of her as nothing more than a nuisance. He literally has her fate in his hands. Yet there is something about him that makes her want to convince him to loosen his tie and have a little fun…with her.
Quaid never takes on clients like the impulsive young woman with a Technicolor dye job. She could stand to learn a hard lesson or two, but something about her guileless hazel eyes intrigues him. Still, he’s determined to keep their relationship strictly business. But doing so is becoming more impossible with each day he spends with her.
As they work side-by-side, they’ll have to figure out a way to get along and keep their hands off each other—because the chemistry between them is beyond charged.

Don’t worry, Sprite, bad decisions always make for good stories. . .
I was really looking forward to read this book since I saw the cover. My God, first time that I saw Jay Crownover's book cover to be a couple and it truly represents the leads in this story. As I started reading it, I realized how much I missed the author's writings and her characters in her every book that I have read. In all fairness, Jay excellently delivered a good and brilliant story that would definitely touch every readers out there. In her true fashion, her writings covered almost every angle with vivid and clear description that made a strong foundation of the story. I haven't had any dull moments as I dig into the book instead I felt like I have ridden a beautiful ride I don't wanna go back. That being said, this story is not just good but an enjoyable one full of flawlessly written scenes that will pull you into reading without wanting it to end.
I really don't wanna go into details since the blurb says it all and more and it pretty sums up what awaits you when you started reading it. But I wanna warn you though, the characters are pretty dynamic and if you think you have doubts about the leads because you didn't like them especially from the previous book, I'll tell you, you'll gonna love them here. Oh, Jay! one point is an understatement because you nailed it with Avett and Quaid!
I had been in need of rescue for a long time and now I really needed it because I was facing a very real prison sentence, and a very real attorney dressed in an immaculate suit, while I sat there shivering, locked in handcuffs, and choking on fear. I never in a million years would have imagined rescue coming in the form of a man like the one sitting across from me. He looked like temptation and ruin, not salvation and redemption.~Avett
I was too busy formulating my counterargument and dialing in my cross-examination that I fully planned to level at her that I’d forgotten that the girl I was falling for was equal parts whirlwind and martyr.~Quaid
The characters you built is so strong even with flaws. Their inner struggles and issues are relatable and feels so real. It might not be as complex as with these two but trust me when I say everyone of us experienced this. Those mistakes we made that we thought defines us. Those things that happened to us that marked us as if were so tainted and flawed but man, you have written it in a way that every reader will be captivated and will fall in love even more deeply. That sense of forgiveness that will give us freedom. Man! It just got me!
“I forgave her because I loved her, always, even when she made mistakes. I forgave her because she wasn’t the only one that screwed up. I could have waited until I was separated from the woman I was married to before getting involved with your mom, but I was impatient and thoughtless as to how our actions might affect our relationship down the road. I forgave her because she was the mother of my child and because we both needed forgiveness to heal and move forward, even if we weren’t together. Forgiveness is the only way you can be set free. I forgave her because after a lot of time and a lot of trials together, she finally forgave herself. Our story is still being written, Sprite. We haven’t reached the end just yet and there was a lot of editing and revision along the way.”
Their journey to self discovery is awe inspiring. What they went through is part heart wrenching and and really I felt every emotion. And please don't get me started with their sexual chemistry because hell that was the BOMB. It was so damn hot and sizzling and please it's vividly described and I was like, cold shower it is!!!
“I’m taking your wild and your sweet, Avett. I’m going to know what it feels like against me. I’m going to remember how it tastes and how it moves so that when I’m inside of it, I won’t get swept away by it all.”
To top it all, this story is really good. I am looking forward to the next in the series. If you are one of those who love to give chances to those characters you thought you do not like and feels like they really need their share of the story then this book is for you. Be warned though, this story may feel like close to home. But the good thing is, there's always a rainbow after the rain". ;)
A must read. Highly recommended!

Don’t worry, Sprite, bad decisions always make for good stories…
I could hear my dad’s gruff voice, lightened with humor, in my ear as he told me those words every single time I got caught doing something I wasn’t supposed to do when I was growing up. I was always doing something I shouldn’t then and now, so I heard those words a lot from him. Unfortunately, as an adult, my bad decisions resulted in consequences far worse than a scraped knee or a broken wrist from falling out of the tree in the backyard he warned me repeatedly wasn’t sturdy enough to limb. And sadly, my dad reassuring me in his firm and gentle way, while calling me his little Sprite as he kissed my boo-boos, wasn’t going to help my current situation at all.
This boo-boo was big-time.
This boo-boo was life-changing.
This boo-boo was anything but a good story waiting to be told.
This boo-boo very well could be the end of me, the end of the rope where my patient parents had dangled precariously for years, and it very well could be the end of any kind of future I may have had. A future I was well on my way to letting a lifetime of bad decisions and even worse choices screw up. At barely twenty-two, bad decisions had sort of become my stock in trade and were as familiar to me as my own face. I was almost legendary, at this point, for putting all my trust in the absolutely wrong kind of people. If there was a wrong path to take, I was going to skip gleefully down that road and not look back until I ended up exactly in the kind of situation I found myself in at the moment. It wasn’t like this was even a new dead end; it was the same one I ran into over and over again. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get myself turned around, and the longer I was at this dead end, the darker and more wicked it became.
I knew better. I really did, even if there was a boatload of evidence contradicting that fact.
I wasn’t stupid, naïve, immature, or senseless. I might appear that way to anyone on the outside looking in, but I had my reasons for being a consummate failure and lifelong loser. All of those reasons had nothing to do with me not knowing better and everything to do with me knowing exactly what I deserved.
For a long time now I had been spiraling out of control, whirling, falling deep and deeper into a pit of really awful actions and consequences, each seemingly worse and more painful than the last. I also hadn’t made any kind of effort to try and pull myself out of it, so logically I knew the only place I was going to end up was right here, right at the lowest part of rock bottom. I never imagined the landing would be so jarring.
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