Title: Into the Clear Water
Author: B. Celeste
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 1, 2020
I used his body to forget the pain until the line we drew
was buried under muddied water.
I used to believe in three things:
That true love only existed once, heartbreak couldn’t kill
you, and everything happened for a reason.
But if that were true, I never would
have watched Daniel McCray get married to another woman, have a beautiful baby
girl, and pass away before my very eyes.
Everything I believed was I lie.
Until I met them.
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I’ve been on B.Celeste’s writing journey for a while now and I can honestly say that this author gets better with every book that she releases. We see the growth and the depth of every character that she gives us and her writing style just seems more and more effortless.
Into the Clear Water gives us the story of Piper who is a young single mom that is doing everything she can to provide a good life for her and her daughter. Now in her last semester of College, Piper is almost to the finish line of having the career that she wants as a teacher and nothing can make her more happy than her daughter. But her personal life is about to get complicated when she has not one, but two good men who wants nothing more than to be in her life permanently.
I have to say that when I first started this book, I had no idea that this was going to be a love triangle per se. I don’t really have a problem with them but they do make me extremely nervous and my heart gets so invested in one of the heroes that I will find myself biting off my nails until the very end. Going into this one, I knew my choice from the very beginning and I was more than ok with it. Someone was going to get hurt regardless and I tried my best to brace myself for the outcome of it and just accept what was to come.

Piper was a strong heroine and I loved her drive and determination for trying to provide a good life for her and her daughter. I also loved seeing her mama bear side and the love that she displayed all around. This was a woman that had a rough couple of years and she passed through it with as much grace as anyone could have in that situation. There were some moments when I became disappointed in some of her decisions and I wanted nothing more than to shake her, but I think that she had to make her own mistakes and learn from it.
If you’re a fan of emotional love triangles and strong heroine characters, then this one is for you.
I can’t believe
we’re even having this conversation. “You’re not the boss of me, Easton. I’m
sorry if I hurt your feelings about your friend doing the piercing, but it’s
not the end of the world. And it would be money all the same if you let me pay.
Why are you being so stubborn about this?”
“Not the boss of
you,” he repeats, a slow smirk curving his features. His body turns to face me,
towering over me when he straightens to full height. “I seem to recall that
differently, especially when we’re in your bedroom and you’re begging me to
bury my cock deeper inside you. Hmm. Have you forgotten how much you moan my
name when I lick you, or how you pull my hair to go faster, or plead for me to
fuck you just the way I know you like?”
My thighs press
together as heat sweeps over my body. He knows what he’s doing because he
chuckles like this amuses him. But I don’t find his mood swings funny. “What
does that have to do with anything?”
He leans closer,
brushing his lips against my ear as he speaks. “I should have been the one to
give you what you wanted today because I know what you want.
Just like I know what you sound like when you come, what it feels like when you
squeeze my cock with that tight pussy of yours, and how loud you get when you
don’t have to hold back. You want freedom, Piper. You always have.”
When he draws back,
I’m stunned speechless. He takes advantage of it and shoots me a wink, causing
my lips to part. He’s never winked before. And it’s … wow. Between those words
and that gesture, I’m not sure I can properly fathom a response, and he knows
it. Which is why, this time, he walks away first.
Author Bio
B. Celeste’s obsession with all things forbidden and taboo
enabled her to pave a path into a new world of raw, real, emotional romance.
Her debut novel is The Truth about Heartbreak.
Her debut novel is The Truth about Heartbreak.
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