The Punk and the Plaything by B.B. Reid
Release Date: December 9, 2019

The Punk and The Plaything, the third romantic standalone in the When Rivals Play series by B.B. Reid.
Never trust a nice ass and a smile. That girl is definitely poison.
When I first came to Blackwood Keep, I was just looking for a thrill.
Instead, I found a beautiful fraud—a tomboy my wildest dreams couldn’t conjure.
Bee didn’t just run with boys; she ran the boys. It was only a matter of time before I gave chase.
It took one summer for me to win her over and two to lose her forever.
My summer love turned ice queen. Without heart or thought, she ruined me.
Four years and an ocean between us, I still can’t forget that she chose my cousin…so I won’t.

The Punk and the Plaything was one of my most anticipated reads of the year. I had extremely high expectations, and B. B. Reid delivered! She gave me all the angst, banter, and steam I could want! If you loved the other books in the series, there is no doubt in my mind you'll love this one, too! Not only did she give us all the backstory we were missing when it came to Jamie and Bee's relationship, but she incorporated all the other characters into the story to an even greater degree than ever before. Seeing them all together and getting so much of them in this book gave me all the motherfucking feels!!!
Jamie's story is one I have wanted since I read The Peer and The Puppet. I absolutely adore everything about his character, and this book only made my love for him grow to even greater heights. Bee's a whole different story. I didn't like her at first. By book 2, I began to realize there was more to her character than meets the eye. Now, I know there is! She is one of my favorite characters in the series. Hands down! I'm a Bee fan for life!
Jamie and Bee are cracked wide open in this book! We're used to seeing them with the armor they put on for everyone else. Jamie plays the part of the cocky, unaffected, playful, flirtatious bad boy like nobody else and Bee the uptight, snobby, cold hearted ice queen. We finally get to take a look at what's underneath their hard exterior and see them vulnerable, and it's a beautiful thing.
If you think the other books in this series were steamy, hold on to your fucking hat, because the author turned the heat way the hell up in this one! I knew there was no way we would get a book starring Jameson without it being hot af, but I was still unprepared! Of course, I loved every minute of it, and I think you will, too!
The Punk and the Plaything will most definitely make you fall in love with Jamie and Bee if you were previously unconvinced, but it will also make you fall so much harder for the entire cast of characters. Some of the best lines in the book are delivered by this installment's side characters. Lou especially recaptured my heart. I fucking love that girl! Her and Jamie'a friendship is the best. In fact the whole crew's friendship is everything! I need more of it, and I can't wait to get more in the final installment of the series, The Prince and the Pawn. I have a feeling Vaughn's story is going to surprise the shit of me, and I need it yesterday! Guess what's going on my most anticipated reads of 2020 list?
If you're a fan of B.B. Reid or new adult romance in general, this one's for you!
Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/33M4XS5
Amazon Worldwide: mybook.to/TPaTPBBReid
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Are the When Rivals Play books standalone?
Each novel depicts a different and completely unique romance. However, the stories and their plots are connected. It’s recommended that you read them in order for the full reading experience.
It is strongly advised that you read The Peer and the Puppet and The Moth and the Flame before reading The Punk and the Plaything. Content suitable for ages 18+.
Read The Peer and The Puppet today!
Available FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited.
Read The Moth and The Flame today!
Available FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited.
Amazon US → https://amzn.to/2C6zlew
Amazon Univ → mybook.to/TheMothtotheFlame
Read Evermore: A When Rivals Play novella
Available FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited.
Amazon US → https://amzn.to/321DRp6
Amazon Univ → mybook.to/EverMoreWhenRivalsPlay

“Well, isn’t this the most delicious surprise.”
My head confirmed what my eyes were showing me, but my stubborn heart still refused to believe. Jamie was back from Ireland? Why hadn’t Ever told me? Neither of those answers seemed to matter as much as why Jamie was back.
The short sleeves of the button up he wore were rolled and bunched at the shoulders, displaying the muscles he’d grown since I’d last seen him four years ago. The white cotton only pronounced his tanned skin. He’d left the buttons undone, allowing anyone who laid eyes on him to see his hard chest and defined abs…and the many tattoos that covered them. Most of them were angry and aggressive, almost scary as if he were showing off his demons for anyone to see. Recalling my sweet Jamie from long ago, and what happened the last time I’d seen him, I knew I was responsible for every one of them.
Gone was the gentle boy next door with a full mop of hair, a lanky body, and an easy smile. This boy standing before me was darker, edgier…more tragic to my lonely, fragile heart. Was that yearning burning in the pit of my stomach or fear of the unknown? Because I didn’t know this Jamie, and judging by the wicked gleam in his eyes as he flashed that mocking grin, I didn’t want to know.
“What the hell are you doing back here?”
“Is that any way to greet your first love? I got to say”—his gaze slowly traced every dip and curve of my body—“I love how well you’ve grown up, Bette.”
“First love?” I scoffed, even though it felt like he’d stolen my breath. “You were hardly that.”
“Then what was I?” he challenged, backing me against the opposite wall. “I’m breathless to hear more of your lies.”
“You were nothing.”
He flashed me that sad, beautiful smile I hadn’t realized I’d missed so much. I stood perfectly still as his wolfish gaze ate me up. As close as he stood now, he wouldn’t miss a single fucking flaw. There were many, but no one dared looked close enough to see. I might as well have been Medusa. As he ran his gaze over me, I took the time to study him as well, noting the silver bar piercing his right brow and the small diamond in his right nostril. I could have sworn I’d even glimpse a flash of metal piercing his nipples. Jamie had taken all that sinful deliciousness he naturally possessed and multiplied it by ten thousand. As if the world didn’t already have enough injustices.
“You're so beautiful. Did it hurt?” He kept his gaze on me as he turned his head and blew out smoke.
“Did what hurt?” I could feel the heat from Jamie’s cigarette when he defiantly brushed his thumb across my bottom lip. To Jamie’s knowledge, I belonged to his cousin now, but he clearly didn’t give a damn.
“When you fell from heaven, Satan.”
I slapped his hand away while telling myself to get a grip. Jamie might have surprised me, but he was nothing I couldn’t handle. “Get lost, Jameson.”
Tapping the end of his cigarette, he sprinkled ash onto my designer blouse. A piece of the flame had fallen, burning through the sheer material, scorching my skin. Before now, I’d never thought Jamie capable of hurting me. The truth was now so blatantly blazed into our history that it could never be unwritten.
Without warning, he pressed closer until I could see nothing but the angry blackness of his eyes. “I’m afraid I’m not going anywhere. By the time I’m done with you, Barbette Montgomery, you’ll be crawling back to me… but I doubt I’ll want my cousin’s sloppy thirds.”
“I wouldn’t hold your breath.” I wasted little time pushing him away. Tragically, the moment my hand connected with his warm skin, the electricity threatening to make my broken heart beat again became too obvious to ignore. I tried to run from it, but some inexplicable need to seal our fate had me spinning on my heel to face him again. “Better yet, Jameson, do us both the favor, won’t you?”
About B.B. Reid:
B.B. Reid is a bestselling author of new adult romance. She grew up the only daughter and middle child in a small town in North Carolina. After graduating with a Bachelors in Finance, she started her career at an investment research firm while continuing to serve in the National Guard. She currently resides in Charlotte with her moody cat and enjoys collecting Chuck Taylors and binge-eating chocolate.
Please visit her website for more information: www.bbreid.com
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