Blue Williams shines no matter the circumstance.
-Prettiest in her hometown
-Most talented cheerleader on her high school squad
-Valedictorian of the senior class
-Prom queen and runner up for Miss Teen Colorado
And the list goes on…
That’s until college, when she finds out nobody recognizes her, and if they do they couldn’t care less. Blending in is something Blue has longed for her entire life. Living in a dorm with a set of new friends is just what she needed to escape her stale life back home. For the first time, she’s seen for her talent and not her name or looks.
Cheer is her number one priority, considering a full-ride scholarship landed her at a prestigious university, and she intends to take advantage of it. A true beauty inside and out, Blue’s heart has always pumped competitive blood.
Until one night changes her forever…the beauty is gone, and all she has left are nasty, ugly memories. The man who saved her has a story of his own, with ninety percent of his body scarred.
What happens when the Beauty falls for the Beast?
I'm a sucker for Beauty and the Beast retellings. This one in particular read like a suspenseful romance. And, btw, the cover is gorgeous.
Fuck gender roles! This book had an out-spoken, kick ass female lead. I loved how the hero was the one who felt ugly and she was the one who had to make him feel worthy.
We don't see many Tuck's in NA. He was... original. Special. A little broken, but he worked through his issues.
Blue was very likable. IMHO the whole college thing was nicely portrayed. The only thing that bugged me was that EVERYONE was sexy/hot/pretty/whatevs. Too unrealistic to me.
I adored the families! Both main characters had tight relatives that supported them and loved them.
I was really enjoying the plot, and the twists. The love story moved a little fast at the beginning, but then took a nice pace. I really loved the book once they kissed for the first time. Everything was going great!
This book was going to be a 4 star read... until the last 20%
I wanted more. Something huge happens during the last chapters and then we jump to the epilogue a few years after and everything is magically solved. I wanted to see Blue's journey towards recovery.
To wrap it up, I loved the story and the characters, but I just felt cheated with the ending. It was implausible and under-developed.
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