No. Scratch that. Too cheesy.
…two people, torn apart by the tumultuous tides of life, only to discover refuge in…
WTF? What does that even mean? DELETE.
…two people, confused as shit as to where they should be and who they should love and none of this means a damn thing because it’s all lies!
I’m not Hope Hughes. I’m not some fierce woman romance machine. Hell, I’m not even a woman.
I’m a liar.
And while I refuse to believe my own BS, deceit masked in heartfelt phrases of love and devotion, I want to make herbelieve them. Because maybe—just maybe—if she can find the soul within my words, she’ll also be able to find the truth scribbled on my heart.
You see, I once lived for the perfect plot twist.
I just never expected to actually live it.
This is my story. Well, maybe her story. I just wish I could make it our story.
The one I’m still writing.
★★★★4 Stars★★★★
"I once lived for the perfect plot twist. I just never expected to live it".
This was such a different well thought out,frustrating as hell,I want my own HEA read. This author made a story line that was unique, and added just the right of humor to make this a memorable read.
August Rhys Calloway is a writer. After his debut book failed miserably,he decided to switch genres to romance along with his name and become the best selling author "Hope Hughes". He has a best friend that he would do anything for, a decent career, and screwing random women whenever the mood strikes. But he's suffering from a terrible writer's block and no muse or unexpected inspiration is helping him right now. He doesn't believe in love so writing about it isn't appealing to him at all.
So along the way he decides to do something completely different.Write a story about his longtime friendship with his best friend Fiona. This story will hold more meaning to him than anything he's ever written and whether or not it has a HEA is up to her.
4678 words.
4678 stitches of my patchwork soul.
4678 reasons why I'm falling for my best friend.
Fiona is die hard romantic that craves a ever after. She dreams of having a loving husband,having kids and sharing a porch swing with her other half when she's old and gray. Having a best friend whose a romance writer,she gives ideas and has been a true constant in August life. She loves him and wants nothing more than to see him happy and find his true love.
Ten years of friendship.
One decision.
One epic love story.
I have to say again how much I really liked this plot. It was so refreshing and certain scenes were just down right hilarious! August made us readers see what it was like to really be a writer. From the frustrated writer's block to the deadlines,and the occasional lonliness from the outside world,this was portrayed very nicely.
Now I didn't love everything about this story and because of spoilers,I'll refrain from saying them but my main thing was that I didn't connect with Fiona at all. I loved her friendship with August but her as a person, I just didn't feel anything for. Not to mention she made me want to break my tablet and smack the hell out of her.
Despite that issue,I really liked the story and if your looking for a different read with funny moments,then this book is for you.
S.L. Jennings
Goodreads Author
in The United States
Member Since
October 2012
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