Author: Britney King
Title: Come Hell or High Water
Series: Water Trilogy #3
Release Date: April 19, 2017
Title: Come Hell or High Water
Series: Water Trilogy #3
Release Date: April 19, 2017

“I’ve been studying her for weeks. I know how she takes her coffee, the color she prefers on her nails, the way her mouth moves when she sleeps. I don’t know what she looks like when she’s happy. But I will.”
When Cheryl Steinbeck-Edwards makes the decision to get in a car with a potential contractor, meticulous hitman Jude Riley and his lovely wife Kate, it appears to be the perfect partnership. Turns out, nothing is perfect, and getting in that car was a poor choice, to say the least.
When Kate decides not to kill the woman, as she and her husband agreed, a series of events, some might even call it karma, conspire to turn their worst fears turn into reality.
Just when you think you are finally getting this marriage
thing down, your wife won’t kill the therapist you have held captive in your
basement. Everybody knows you shouldn’t develop a relationship with someone you
intend to murder. It’s much harder to shoot someone in the head or strangle
them if you care about them. On top of that, it winds up giving them
opportunities to escape or to draw attention to themselves by flooding the
downstairs of your home when you have company. How is Jude supposed to feel comfortable
leaving town to take out his marks if he has to worry about his wife getting
herself into trouble due to such reckless behavior? Kate’s last little mistake
resulted in him having to burn down an entire building to get rid of the
evidence. Besides, they have more important things to focus on right now, such
as their children trying to murder the playground bullies by pushing them off
the top of the jungle gym or by way of peanut butter cookies.
Married life may not be easy, but when both parties involved
give it their all, there is always hope. All Kate and Jude want is to live a
nice, quiet life in suburbia and for their children to have the childhood they
wish they would have had. Sure, they have their differences, their
communication problems, and their disagreements with their children’s
grandfather over teaching their son how to shoot a gun, but what family doesn’t
have problems like these? They love each other, and though they think about it
often, they never actually go through with killing each other. That’s why despite
how they differ on the hostage situation, it won’t be enough to tear them apart…..or
will it?
Come Hell or High Water is the final book in the Water
Trilogy by Britney King. Over the course of these three books, we have learned
a lot about Jude and Kate. We found out a bit about why they turned into the
psychotic individuals they are, how they fell in love, and their struggle to blend
in and lead the kind of life everyone wants for themselves and their family. Now
that the series has come to end, I’m sad that I won’t get to read any more
about this murderous duo.
Britney King has a unique writing style. Sprinkled with
flashbacks and written in second person with dual point of view, these books are
different than anything I have ever read. It took me a little while to get used
to it, but honestly, I don’t think Jude and Kate’s story could have been told
better any other way.
I enjoyed getting back into the minds of this deranged
couple, and I only wish I would get the chance to do it again. In my opinion,
there is a lot more story to tell, and I would be happy read it. The series
ended in way that left a lot of things up to your imagination, and I wanted a
little more closure than that. After reading about them for three books, I want
to know if they will actually get their happily ever after, and I would’ve
preferred for all of the loose ends to be tied up. Other than that, I don’t
have anything to complain about. I enjoyed the story and read it from beginning
to end in a few hours’ time. It was well paced, wonderfully written, and intriguing
with a healthy dose of suspense. The characters are complex, and the story is
incredibly original and fantastically twisted. If a story about a killer couple
trying to balance children, murder, and marriage in the suburbs peaks your
interest, then I recommend this one to you!

I’ve been studying her for months. I know how she takes her coffee, the color she prefers on her nails, the way her mouth moves when she sleeps. I don’t know what she looks like when she’s happy. But I will.
That’s not to say I meant to keep her this long. And, of course, you, well you, never intended to keep her at all. But then, what’s done is done.
“I want you to be happy here,” I told her the first week she was here, not long after we let the drugs wear off completely.
“I don’t see how that’s possible,” she said.
“Tell me what makes you happy.”
I could see her thinking about my question; I could see that I’d set something into motion. It wasn’t immediate—most things that are truly great rarely are, but eventually her lips turned upward. Slowly, she broke out into a full-on smile, and it was like the sun coming out on a cloudy day. “He makes me happy.”
“Your husband,” I said. It wasn’t a question. Mostly because it hadn’t occurred to me that it should be.
She laughed just slightly. The smile remained. “Something like that.”
“I see,” I told her, raising my brow.
She looked at me then, really looked at me. The smile faded but her eyes lit up. “Not yet, you don’t,” she said. “But you will.”

Britney King writes modern love stories for mature audiences. She also enjoys suspense and often finds her sweet spot penning a good mixture of the two.
Britney is the author of eight novels and is currently at work on number nine.
She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, children, two dogs, one ridiculous cat and a partridge in a pear tree.
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