Releasing May 8th, 2017
If Warren Price was gasoline, I'd be a lit match.
Addison Wanks, rock ’n’ roll’s favorite daughter, is good at keeping secrets.
Secret One
She’s responsible for the long-standing feud between her father’s band, Wanks and Janks, and younger band Wild Minds. She may or may not have let Wild Minds’ sexy bad-boy lead singer Warren defile her backstage at a concert. Okay, she totally did.
Secret Two
She’s supposed to be attending college but instead skips town to follow Wild Minds on their European tour. Addy adores Warren Price.
Secret Three
Europe doesn’t go so well. Her sexy lead singer turned out to be king of a**holes. He’s arrogant, demanding and controlling. Addy loathes Warren Price. Oh, well.
Secret Four
Fast forward a few years and Addy is planning to attend her father's farewell tour when she hears the news—Wild Minds is back in the good graces of Wanks and Janks. The two bands will be headlining together. This is going to make avoiding Warren difficult. Especially since it seems Warren doesn't want to be ignored. He also doesn't want a divorce. That's right, Addy is married to the Wild Minds front man. Shh. Don't tell.
What will happen when all Addy’s secrets are revealed?

Charlotte West writes romance about strong heroines and the sexy alpha males who love them. She lives in Washington state with her husband and very large dog (think miniature pony size). She spends way too much money on books, and way too much time reading. When she’s not reading, she’s feeding her reality television addiction, eating chocolate, or traveling. She's been known to consume her weight in Girl Scout cookies.
She has a degree in Science and a Master's in Education, neither of which she is currently using but is still paying for. Occasionally, she moonlights as a YA author.
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My phone chirped with an incoming text. I smiled at Pete, Officer Daniels, and held up the phone. “I’ll just be a minute. It’s probably Billy.”
Pete let go of the restaurant door he’d been holding open for me. “He still mad you didn’t let him come for graduation?” After spending the summer with Pete’s family, I’d decided to stay for my senior year, a decision my father didn’t understand and still wasn’t happy about.
“I think he’s coming around,” I said. Billy had wanted to attend to my high-school graduation. But the thought of my famous father in small town Beaverton, Oregon near all my friends figuratively made me break out in hives.
Pete nodded. “All right, but don’t take too long. We’re excited to celebrate with you.”
“Got it.” I smiled brightly. My gown fluttered in the early summer wind, I’d left my cap in the car. “Tell Gabe to save me a seat next to him.” Pete and Mel’s son Gabe had graduated with me and was set for a full-ride football scholarship to OSU. As for me, I’d be off to New York in a few weeks to attend college. Strolling the sidewalk, I peeked at my phone. It wasn’t my father.
Mystery number: Hi.
Me: Hi. Who’s this?
Mystery number: Warren Price. Remember me?
If it’s possible for your heart to fall straight out of your chest, mine did.
Me: Yeah. How’d you get my number?
Warren: I know people who know people.
Me: Huh?
Warren: It’s the digital age, babe. Not hard to find someone’s phone number. The right YouTube video and I could give myself a vasectomy.
Me: Would you really do that?
Warren: What?
Me: Give yourself a vasectomy?
Warren: Hell, no. But I could.
Warren: You still there?
Me: It’s been a long time.
Warren: Sorry about that. Been thinking about you, though.
Me: Yeah?
Me: I don’t think this is a good idea, you and me talking. Billy doesn’t want us to be friends.
Warren: I disagree. I think this is the best idea I’ve ever had. Besides, last time I checked we were a little more than friends. What you been up to?
Me: In a nutshell? Billy sent me away to live in BFE. Since then… Went to school dances. Drank my first bottle of peach schnapps. Saw Twilight four times.
Warren: Damn. That’s a lot of living for a small town.
Me: I know. Mind blown, right? How about you, what have you been up to?
Warren: Got booted from Billy’s celestial limelight just like you, working the dive bar circuit again.
Me: Ouch. Sorry.
Warren: Not your fault.
Warren: Shit. Got to go. About to the take the stage at a honkey-tonk in Nashville. This should be interesting. We don’t play country.
Me: All right.
Warren: Okay if I text you again?
Me: Thumbs up.
Warren: Did you just text me the words: thumbs up?
Me: Yep. My emoji button is broken. Sad face.
Warren: Okay then.
Me: Okay.
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