Good Kinda Crazy by Jettie Woodruff is now live on Amazon!!
Introducing the talented and beautiful cover model, Jenna Lynn!!!

I would like to tell you a story about true friends, change, and real love. This is deeper than a love story, this is a connection you can’t possibly explain without first experiencing it, a love rarely found. When all I wanted to do was go home and put it all behind me, one chance meeting sent me in another direction. I traveled a road I could have never imagined.
Before you invest your time in our story, I should warn you, these people aren’t like your typical friends. These kinds of friends are few and far between. If you don’t believe in love at first sight, or second chance love, then you should probably skip our story.
I was written in him, he was written in me, we were written in the stars.
My hope is that you go into our story with an open mind and like me, find something life-changing you can take with you. Because one person believed in me, I didn’t give up. I became someone I didn’t even know I wanted to be.
For her. For him. For me. For us. For humanity.

"You naughty lil minx🙈 Atlantis is one very lucky girl, definitely got my heart racing and my....no I say no more."
😉 "My husband may be buying YOU flowers tomorrow!" "Ok so as much smut as I've read in the past 5 years, how has NO one ever mentioned this??It's the hottest thing I've read in a long time and it's not even dirty. It's real, the connection...I literally felt it right along with her. I'm definitely intrigued and want to learn more about it." " I just finished chapter xx. Blow me away omg I can't even describe what I feel it was so intense makes me really think." "It's so amazing I don't want to miss a single word and for people who are unaware of the truth this is an eye opener."
"Another life changing, eye opening book by Jettie Woodruff.""...this book is about opening your mind to other possibilities. Not always conforming to what society has deemed "the norm", being your true self.""Phenomenal, eye opening, life changing book."- Louisa, Goodreads Review
" It will truly get you to think. This is not your typical love story. It is more about the love you can find by opening your horizons."-Vanessa, Sassy Southern
"Wow! Mind blown! I went into this book thinking it was one thing, only for it to be a completely different story that I have ever read."" I have never come away from a book so open-minded in my life.""So, Thank You Jettie for giving me the boost that I needed!" - Brandi Maye Reads
"This is one of my all time favorite books!""I highly recommend this book! A definite must read! - Jenny Shepherd *Magic Beyond The Covers Blog*
"Wow!!! What a powerful story about love and second chances." - Paula Genereau

"I learned it was okay to just be me. I learned we’re not all the same and we’re not supposed to be. Most of all, I learned to love with all my heart and soul."Good Kinda Crazy by Jettie Woodruff, ©2017
"Everyone deserves that kind of love, including me. The kind of love where you spend every single day building each other up. The kind of love where even a five-minute quickie behind a tree is more than just sex. The kind of love where cutting up veggies and doing the dishes together is a form of foreplay. The kind of love where kissing is your favorite thing to do. The kind of love where you can’t be near each other without touching. The kind of love where you connect so deeply it’s almost painful, in a good kinda crazy way. The kind that entwined our souls in and out of the Universe. The kind even death couldn’t separate."
Good Kinda Crazy by Jettie Woodruff, ©2017

Goodreads: Good Kinda Crazy - Add to your TBR
Don't miss our release party on April 29th, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., EST.
Good Kinda Crazy Release Party on Facebook
Guess what is free on Amazon from Friday-Sunday (4/28-4/30)???
Book one in this series (all books in the series are HEA Stand Alone Reads),
Peace Love Resistance by Jettie Woodruff

I've always been a writer and a storyteller, or a bullshitter as my dad would say, but I've never written what should be read. I'm very good at writing what my readers want me to write, but I did that. Now I want to write what they need to hear. If I can write a love story and entwine it with a little life advice to help make this a better place to live for all of us, then that's what I want to be a part of.
My first book since deciding to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem is Peace, Love, Resistance.
Why the change when I was doing so good?
You get what you put out and I want to read and write what I want back.
Simple as that.

Author: Jettie Woodruff
Editor: Tiffany Landers
Proofreader: Jillian Elizabeth Crouson-Toth
Cover Model: Jenna Lynn
Cover Designer: Claudia Bost with CWB Designs

Hosted by: PA In A Pinch

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