We fell in love on a beach, got married in paradise, and I carried her off into the sunset. It should have been perfect, but saying “I do” doesn’t guarantee a happily-ever-after.
Two years later, I barely recognize either of us behind the walls we’ve built.
It’s time to bring it full circle. Back to a tropical paradise. Back to find out if we can still make this work.
I’m not willing to give her up, but to save us, I have to risk everything.
Two damaged people.
Countless secrets.
The fight of our lives.
We might be broken, but we’re not done.
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“We’re right here. We might be drifting, but we’re not done yet.
Meghan March definitely knows how to give you the element of surprise when it comes to her stories and “Take Me Back” was the perfect example of how much she not only grew as a writer, but her ability to make you feel what these characters were going through was downright impeccable. This was not your ordinary love story about two people falling in love and living happily ever after. This was a story about what happens when you’ve already found the love of your life and said the vows, but LIFE itself gets in the way.
They say marriage is real hard work. From the moment you say I do”, that’s when the work begins. For some people, the honeymoon phase can last for months, while others could go years. But all that’s going to do is put you in this false sense of hope and denial and let me tell you, the only thing that will get you is a reality check quicker than you can say divorce. For Kat and Dane, their honeymoon phase is long over but one thing is for sure, the love that these two have for each other is still there. They just have to find their way to get back to each other.
“Tell me. Tell ,me this is forever, Kat. Always and fucking forever”.
“Yes. Always and forever”.
From the beginning of this book, I knew I was in for one hell of a ride with Kat and Dane. This was a couple that captured my attention from their very first word and seeing how they not only interacted with each other, but made such a huge effort to save their marriage was awe inspiring. Dane and Kat loved hard but man they fought HARDER and I loved seeing that. Too many times we read a story and everything is so cookie cutter that we literally gobble it up but real life doesn’t work that way. You have to put in the work, you have to be there, you have to love, you have to know that sometimes you’re going to have bad days but remember for every bad day, you’re going to be getting a lot of good ones with the one you love.
I know this review is very vague but it is absolutely necessary and you’ll thank me. This is one emotional journey you have to experience with arms wide open and if you read any spoilers, it’s going to take away that element of surprise for you. This author delivered her absolute best when it came to these characters and they’re going to stay with me for a while. “Take Me Back” is a story not to be missed so buckle up and enjoy the ride.
"We might be broken, but we’re not done"
I highly recommend this book.That is flat-out solid and I wont definitely get it back. Why you ask? My God! I was really not expecting this book to be what it is. That cover coupled with that blurb had me a goner stat. I even had tissues, ice cream, wine and my emotion prepared. But no...hell no.Nothing prepared me for the beauty of this book, because when I finally had the chance to read it? Oh-My-Friggin'-Wow!!! Speechless..utterly and immensely speechless over the fact that this book is excellent in all proportions!
Meghan March outdone herself with this one. And to be honest, up until now I still can't believe what I'm reading!!! I'm still on a Take Me Back bubble and I wanna stay there until I can recover. Don't mind for how long, because seriously this book is the shit! And it's not effing long! But I tell you, what was written, the writing style, and I mean everything was covered. It was condensed in a way that you will feel satiated but because I am a greedy hoe, I am still asking for more! It's not because I wasn't contented but I was so satisfied I don't want the book to end.
Really this book is so satisfying that even with the length of it, I am in a book hangover status. GAHD!!! This never happened to me. As I said, this book is just really is so beautiful. I was hooked and captivated, and if you were wondering, Yes I might have used the tissues I prepared. I needed it, this is my kind of trope and in as much as I was preparing myself over what awaits me, nothing prepared me for the roller coaster of emotions I had with this book. Damn, the twists and turns of the events had me on the edge and I am telling you, that ice cream? No use at all, even the wine I was trying to chug, nada! I cannot put the reader down much less leave for a moment just to drink or eat. I was engrossed and my adrenaline keep me going. And what a beautiful experience I have with it. As I said, book hangover!!!
And this one, eff me! I am so legit touched with this.
“Tell me. Tell ,me this is forever, Kat. Always and fucking forever”. “Yes. Always and forever”.
To Meghan March, kudos!
To all the readers out there, don't read any reviews unless you read the book. The rating says it all. Trust with it. Enjoy your ride without any idea of the book aside from the blurb, and I'll tell you, you'll appreciate it even more and you'll understand my emotions right now.
Take Me Back, Holee-Wow!!! I LOVE IT BIG TIME!

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She's also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she's ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at meghanmarchbooks@gmail.com.
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