Title: Venom & Ecstasy
Series: Venom, #2
Author: S. Williams
Genre: Erotic Dark Romance
Release Date: February 16, 2017
I am much more than meets the eye.
I am stronger, smarter, and I won’t stop until I’m on top.
He thinks he’s safe around me. He’s a fool to believe so.
What would I do if the most wanted man in the world wanted me?
The answer is simple.
Get rid of him before he dares get rid of me.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 WHAT THE WHAT? STARS ⭐⭐⭐⭐

“You follow my rules and life is easy. Go against them, and it’s you that makes it hard for yourself.
OK first off, everyone that follows my reviews knows I’m NOT a fan of cliffhangers. I’m severely allergic to these things which causes me to break out in “are you effing me” rashes. You know the ones. You scratch your head while at the same time pulling your hair out, your hand automatically goes to your throat because you’re so frustrated, you’re envisioning doing actual bodily harm to these characters. And last but not least, you’re body feels like it’s on fire because of the last few words you read. So what do you do when there’s no prescription for something like this? You do like me. You apologize to your kids in advance and drop some money in “the swear jar”, grab the wine, and cuss like a sailor for two straight hours. Problem. Solved. At least For now.
Trying her best to move to forward but still having that blood thirst for her own revenge, Gianna is now in her own personal hell with the devil himself. Will she try to escape again or just accept the fact that as much as Draco wants her, she wants him the same way. Stubborn in her own right, Gianna knows that to be Draco’s equal, she has to be fearless and have a tough skin if she wants to survive any kind of aftermath. Once you’re with Draco, there’s no telling what’s going to happen to you. And for Gianna, she’s about to live that cold hard statement in the form of Draco.

“You play the good girl, but you’ll dirty your hands in a heartbeat if it means protecting yourself or someone you care about.”
Draco doesn’t need much in his life. He’s the king of Mexico after all and having people worship the ground he walks on, is the reason he’s the most feared man. Getting Gianna to submit to him is like pulling teeth, but he’s never been one to back down and having her by his side means everything to him. But Gianna is a Nicotera and Draco is about to see up close and personal how stubborn she really is.

“Draco Molina is no Superman. He’s the man that Superman has to take down because he’s so fucked up and vile.”
I must admit that the first 60% of this book, I wasn’t so sure about. I was extremely nervous with some of these characters choices and I kept thinking that it was going to end in a way that I would absolutely loathe. Then Gianna goes and does something so shocking to me, I was regretting not getting a warranty on my tablet cuz this chick really tested me and made me graduate to b*tch slap territory. But you know what? I think it had to be done that way. Doesn’t mean I liked it, but it certainly made the story that much more enjoyable.

Then I made to the 61% mark and omg, I developed a serious drinking problem!! It was action packed from left to right and let me tell you, I was trying so hard not to blink in those moments because I didn't know what was going to happen. I love it when an author keeps me on my toes and Shanora Williams definitely did with this one
Now as for the ending? I’m going to let papa Pope do the talking on this one.

And if that wasn’t enough, there’s a huge WTF moment that had me like

If you’re looking for crazy semi dark series, this one is perfect for you..

She currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, will be the mother of two amazing boys, has a devoted and supportive man, and is a sister to eleven.
When she isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her family, binge reading, or running marathons on Netflix while scarfing down anything sweet and salty.
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