5.0 "Loser and Legs" Stars!!!
Speechless...Utterly Speechless!!!
And this right here is the very main reason why I love reading J.Daniels works. She never ceases to amaze me and her works screams Perfectly Imperfect. Just when I thought I couldn't love her works even more, she writes this beautiful story that is really so unique and addictive. Not over the top, but OFF THE CHARTS! And Hit The Spot really "Hit The Spot". Straight A!
My God, I cannot contain what I'm feeling right now even after several hours reading the book. I am just so far gone into the world of Jamie Mccade and Tori Rivera and I really don't wanna go back. First few pages and I was held captive. J. Daniels words is like a magnet pulling me through every words and lines, breathing it and living through it like an addiction I cannot stop because stopping it means not living with it and Hit The Spot is just the perfect book you wanna live with, reading over and over again without getting bored but just reliving the moment.
You really cannot blame me. Because this is J.Daniels here plus her characters in this book. It just feels so right. Now, take this, Jamie Mccade, a surfer, thick eyebrows. A perfectly straight nose . He looked model perfect and camera ready, except for the five o’clock shadow speckling his jaw. That roughed him up a bit. And if he wasn’t already scoring points in the looks department, boom, dimples. He… had… dimples. But then he's a jerk too and the biggest player ever. But take this again, his alpha and jealous ways is just to die for. Add up his dirty mouth and his dirty ways and I'm sure you'll be a goner. Not only that, when you met him for sure you'll gonna love him even more because his character is a surprise. Yes, because he is more than just what we think he is. When I say more, love me or hate me but I'm telling you,this man is FLAT.OUT SO MUCH MORE! And I'm keeping him.
Enter Tori Rivera and you do not know what to do. You'll love her and hate her and then love her even more. This woman has a sassy mouth and a character you wanna scream so loud because it frustrates you but made you take back all the frustrations because you then realize how you wanted to keep her too because you just love her just as much you love Jamie Mccade. Yeah, talk about emotional game and this woman is just it. But my God, their chemistry is sizzling and just deep to the bones scorching! They are so sexy and adorable together I don't have any hard time relating to them. They are just simply PERFECT for each other.Jamie's protectiveness and Tori's craziness would even burn you for them. Because I did and I declare this, they're one of the best couples to date!
In totality, the book is really good. No, it was great. I love everything about it. How they met, what went trough and the in betweens. It was sweet, it was hot and words weighed emotions. I just don't love the characters but on how it was written that really managed to make so captivated. I did seriously devour this book from start to finish.Jamie and Tori's journey really is a definition of love's spontaneity.It doesn't matter if you follow the steps or skipped it several times. It may be overwhelming, uncontrollable. You might even get scared along the way. Because in the end, what matters most is you both know deep in your hearts how you really meant for each other.
Indeed, Love was an adventure. It should be spontaneous and irresponsible and a little crazy. Not planned for. Not overthought .
Hammerjacks was dimly lit and packed with bodies, some dancing together and others crowding the bar, waiting to get served. I started scanning the room as I came up beside Tori, who was doing the same even though she had no idea who she was looking for.
I saw Quinn almost instantly. She wasn’t hard to spot.
The bright pink spiked-out hair helped with that.
“There,” I said, pointing in the direction of the bar where my sister was sitting on a stool, head turned away from the group of shitheads swarming her.
She was alone. That pissed me off.
She was here, in town visiting, and she was looking for ass. That pissed me off, too.
Not much I could do about the second thing, I understood it, but she was gonna hear my feelings toward the other whether she wanted to hear them or not.
“What’s her name again?” Tori asked as we made our way over.
“Quinn,” I said.
She nodded, face serious. Then she tucked stray pieces of hair behind her ears and smoothed out the rest of her pony, pulled the one sleeve of her shirt down so it exposed her shoulder and bra strap, straightened her spine, tipped her chin up, and put on a smile before rushing ahead.
“Hey, sweetie. Sorry I’m late,” Tori chirped, squeezing in between my sister and the shitheads as if they weren’t standing there. She grabbed Quinn’s face, bent down, and kissed her cheek. “I missed you. Did you miss me?” she asked, bringing both hands to Quinn’s neck and holding there while standing between her bent knees.
Tori was smiling and playing the part, leaning close and making it seem like they were really together, or at least really feeling each other. My sister was blinking up at Tori, looking baffled but also looking like she was wanting to buy everything Legs was selling.
I wasn’t surprised. Quinn shared my taste in women. And I definitely had a taste for Legs.
“Whoa, are you two…damn. Is this your girl?” one of the shitheads asked from behind Tori, pointing at the back of her.
“Jesus,” another one chimed in, looking his fill. “What are the chances of me watchin’ you two go at it? This is fuckin’ hot.”
I stepped up then, not liking the tone of this guy and the shit coming out of his mouth, and wanting to make my presence known.
He saw me approach and shot me a hard look, asking, “You gotta problem?”
Teeth clenched and fists forming, I looked to Quinn, not taking the bait he was throwing out.
She was watching me, eyes serious and mouth tight, subtly shaking her head in warning ’cause she knew I couldn’t be fighting or doing anything that could draw negative attention. Then she turned her attention onto Tori when she twisted and slid into Quinn’s lap.
“Fishing in the wrong pond, boys,” Tori informed them, sweeping her gaze over the three while putting her arm around Quinn’s shoulders and pressing close. “Get lost. We’re not interested.” Then she turned all of her attention onto my sister and amped up her game, giggling as she kept her face close to hers and running her fingers through her hair, smiling, whispering, really flirting and looking into it, all while blocking the view of the shitheads so they couldn’t watch.
And everything Legs was doing, my sister was eating up.
Wrapping her arms around Tori and holding on to her, smiling back, laughing, looking like she was falling in love and thinking this was real and something sustainable.
I was starting to regret incorporating Tori into this plan. She was a little too good at her game. Straight up. Maybe the best at it.
I was also starting to get mildly jealous watching my sister getting attention from the one woman who was hell-bent on ignoring my ass.
“Man, whatever,” the one guy said, grabbing his beer and looking to his friends. “Come on. I’m not wastin’ my time on lesbian pussy.”
His friends murmured their agreement, mentioned something about hitting up Roy’s, a bar down the street, then grabbed their beers and stepped away.
When they were out of earshot, I shifted my eyes to Legs, telling her, “Think you sold it. You can get off my sister now.”
Tori smiled proudly, lifting her shoulders with a little dance. Then she looked to Quinn, keeping the smile, and said, “Hey, I’m Tori. Your brother dragged me here, so I figured I’d offer my assistance instead of letting him handle it, since he can’t fight and all.”
“Can fight, just shouldn’t,” I corrected her. I jerked my chin. “Hop off.”
Quinn moved her hands up Tori’s back and licked her lips. “Wicked plan,” my sister told her. “I was totally into that.”
“I think it got the point across,” Tori replied. “I really like your hair, by the way.” She ran her fingers through it again. “The color looks great on you.”
“Absolutely. It really makes your eyes pop.”
“I was thinking about going purple…”
“Have you tried bleaching the roots and just painting the color on the ends? I think that would look amazing with purple.”
“Legs,” I barked.
Both of their heads whipped around and faced my direction.
“You feelin’ like gettin’ up so we can get the fuck outta here?” I asked, thinking only about the food back at her place I was wanting to eat and not about how comfortable my sister’s hands looked gripping on to Tori’s body.
“She’s fine,” Quinn offered, keeping her hands locked around Legs. “Really. She doesn’t have to move.”
I shot a glare at Quinn, communicating how I felt about that suggestion, then shifted that glare to Tori.
“I was getting up. Relax. We were just talking,” she huffed, moving off Quinn’s lap and coming to stand beside me. “You’re welcome, by the way,” she murmured.

J.Daniels is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Sweet Addiction series, the Alabama Summer series, and the Dirty Deeds series.
She would rather bake than cook, she listens to music entirely too loud, and loves writing stories her children will never read. Her husband and children are her greatest loves, with cupcakes coming in at a close second.
J grew up in Baltimore and resides in Maryland with her family.
Sign up to receive her newsletter and get special offers and exclusive release info: http://authorjdaniels.com/newsletter/
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