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Delilah Jameson has the perfect life. A great job in her downtown DC art gallery, a group of girlfriends who will always have her back and Cole; her friend-zoned roommate.
Yet, there is something missing; a man she can truly call her own.
When online flirting with a complete stranger awakens Dia's sexual curiosity, how far will she go in order to find her happily ever after?

About the Author:
Eva LeNoir lives in France with her husand, two sons and the entire food chain in pets: From fish to gerbils to cats and a dog. With a full time job that pays the bills, she reserves all of her free time to doing what she loves most: Writing. Eva likes teasing her husband that she should have married a billionaire so she could stay home and write all day. But then he makes her laugh at his silly antics and all dreams of lavish lifestyles evaporate from her mind. A softie at heart, Eva can be seen crying whenever anything emotional is on TV or the radio. Yes, even commercials. So, if ever you meet her, make sure to bring a box of tissues and a good episode of Grey's Anatomy to witness the epic tear fest. There are three things she believes unconditionally: Love really does conquer all, Humans are still inherently good and Wine and Cheese will solve all the problems of the world.
Connect with Eva!
Website: http://eva-lenoir.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evalenoirauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvaLeNoirAuthor
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2hzZuqS
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2hA1iAk
Sign up for her newsletter: http://eva-lenoir.com/newsletter/
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