Blog Tour with Review: Bury Me With Lies by S.M. Soto

April 7, 2020

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"A masterpiece." - C.L. Matthews, bestselling author

Bury Me With Lies, the shocking conclusion to the edge-of-your-seat Twin Lies Duet by S.M. Soto is available now!


Some secrets are better left buried…
Stuck between life and death, Mackenzie is hell-bent on proving her innocence, and getting revenge on the men who murdered her sister. With one series of unfortunate events after another, Mackenzie must outrun her own fate—death.
When secrets unravel and lies become twisted betrayals, Mackenzie finds herself in more danger than she could’ve realized. Her only saving grace is Baz, the elusive playboy she’s given her heart to. But will placing her trust in a man like Baz be her downfall?

I have highly and I mean HIGHLY anticipated this book, Bury Me With Lies, to hit my kindle the minute I got done with Kiss Me With Lies... 

S.M. Soto killed it with her storytelling, intriguing characters, in your face suspense, and mystery that kept creeping around! I couldn’t help but flip the pages as I wanted to find out EVERYTHING since we were left with a jaw-dropping cliffhanger! 

So many questions that were needed to be answered, lies and deception that were kept in secret, and all the while - Mackenzie and Baz’s relationship was rocky and untrustworthy!

“Our entire relationship had been tainted by lies, and now, we were buried in them.” 

Filled with so many miscommunications, periods of NOT talking, and everyone trying to manipulate the whole situation... you will WANT to know the truth and everything about what truly happened! 

“I feel like I’m crumbling. I am broken in every shape and form. My body and spirit are shattered.”

I felt for Mackenzie so much and I wanted her to so badly get the justice she deserved! The way she was mistreated, lied to, manipulated, and so broken down... Yet, she carried so much strength in her vulnerability. While I felt like she worked so hard to get to the point of contentment... I felt like I wanted more. I wanted more for her and them. 

I absolutely loved Baz King!! He is BAE!!! He made this book for me! Everything about him screams alpha male, in your face, and luxury. Since book one, I couldn’t get over him! And while these two danced around each other for most of the book, I found myself loving Baz more and more! He is everything!! I loved all the intense moments while also enjoying the tender and more revealing moments he was able to share! 

Lastly, although I was happy to know and find out the truth about Madison, what happened to her, and why things went down the way they did... I did feel like I needed more! What I felt was left with longing was Mackenzie and her truth and how things with her parents were left. I felt like a canned of worms open, but never closed. Also, everything between Madison and Mackenzie always felt like a competition, but then at the same time, trying to find peace. I just felt like these family dynamics could have been told more and we could have gotten a more clear sense of why things were the way they were. 

Nonetheless, I enjoyed this book! There were so many things that I loved and enjoyed! And while there were things I wished there was more of, I still flipped the pages of this book like it was my last!! 

If you’re into suspense and mystery alongside murder, lies, and deception with STEAMY AF romance... you need this duet in your life! 

Four dreamy stars: 💫💫💫💫

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My head feels grainy as though someone recklessly shook a carbonated can; everything is fuzzy and bubbling inside. A continuous beep rings in my ears, and someone is saying something. Whispered tones that sound like they’re coming from every direction. They’re so loud, so clear and distinct, yet every time I actively try to clear away the fuzz in my brain to listen, I can’t. I can’t make any of it out. But I know one thing for certain. I recognize one of the voices. I don’t know who or where I know it’s from, but I recognize the voice as though I’ve heard it my entire life. It tugs at someplace deep inside me. The place where I hide my emotions, the closet where I stuff my skeletons and force myself to box them up for good. Only someone had the key to that closet, and they were slowly opening drawers and emptying the shelves of my past and a pain that was long forgotten. Summoning all my strength, I blink, trying to push past the sleepiness weighing my eyelids down, but nothing happens. That stark darkness still calls to me, trying to pull me back under like a black weighted blanket. It would be so easy. I can feel just how simple it would be to pretend the pain isn’t there and go back to that dark, cold place that somehow felt like home. I didn’t even truly know what home felt like anymore since I hadn’t had one in so long. I wasn’t sure I ever knew what the true feeling of home was. After several struggle-filled attempts, my eyes open to bright white lights, sterile walls, and dark silhouettes. I home in on the hazy figures hovering around me. I feel a deep throb behind my eyes, and my mouth is painfully dry. My mind actively tries to decipher the commotion surrounding me, failing with every thought. Where I am, how I got here, and what is wrong with me. I can’t form a single coherent thought or calculate an answer to any of those questions. Steering through the fog clouding my thoughts, I blink past the film covering my eyes, and the second I look up, my breath catches when my eyes land on a familiar pair of blue. It’s a shock to my system. A deeply rooted bomb to the core. I shake my head, certain I’m imagining things, but immediately stop when pain rips down my spinal column from the movement. This can’t be right. This can’t be happening. I never thought I’d see this person again. Hell, I never thought I’d see them both again, but I was wrong. So very wrong. SMSotoLogoAbout S.M. Soto
S.M. Soto was born and raised in Northern, California where she currently resides with her son. Her love for reading began when she was a young girl, and has only continued to grow into adulthood. S.M. lives for reading books in the romance genre and writing novels with relatable characters. She refers to herself as a bit of a romance junkie. S.M. loves to connect with readers and eat copious of donuts that will surely lead to her demise.
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  1. Great review!! I want to read this series ASAP now!! Also that cover... gorgeous!

